Total rentable area 8100 m²

Rentable area at floor level 1500 m²

Număr de Niveluri 9

United Business Center One is impressive by means of its triangular architecture, showcased by the glass façades, which not only make an esthetic impact, but also play a major role in ensuring high levels of natural light in the offices while also providing thermal and solar protection. The employees also benefit from state-of-the-art facilities and amenities, as well as easy access to numerous stores, restaurants, coffee shops and services by virtue of the proximity to Iulius Mall Cluj, as well as the possibility to relax in Iulius Park.

2018 – opening year

730 – employees

120 – parking places

Retail premises on the ground floor



Photo gallery


La finalizarea întregului proiect, clădirile UBC din Timișoara vor avea disponibile 4 050 de locuri de parcare.

Contact a UBC representative

Colegii noștri vă stau la dispoziție pentru a vă oferi toate informațiile necesare. Vă punem la dispoziție experiența și expertiza noastră pe parcursul întregului proces de identificare a spațiului potrivit pentru sediul companiei dumneavoastră.

Spaces available for rent

We invite you to contact us for more details about the United Business Center offer or to set up an appointment with one of our colleagues.

I am interested